July 5
Morning- Food preparation is in the building next to the Town Hall. Equipment set up is on the beach and campsite. BBQ set up is at the campsite
13:00-13:20 Registration at the beach.
13:00-14:30 Photo scavenger hunt begins and ends at the beach.
15:00 Play games and sports on the beach. (Start preparing the BBQ food- Begin
BBQ set up)
17:00 Serve the BBQ Dinner
;19:30 Taiko Performance and Bonfire
21:00 Official party ends, venue moves indoors. Optional: Go to the Jolly Roger
Bar; Go to the Karaoke House.
July 6 Sunday morning 8:00 am Clean up

July 5
Morning- Food preparation is in the building next to the Town Hall. Equipment
set up is in the gym and the building next to the Town Hall. BBQ set up
is underneath the Town Hall under-cover area
13:00-13:20 Registration at the old Junior High School gym
13:00-14:30 Photo scavenger hunt begins and ends at the old JHS gym
15:00 Play games and sports in the old JHS gym. (Start preparing the BBQ food-
Begin BBQ set up)
17:00 Serve the BBQ Dinner at the multi-purpose facility next to the old JHS gym
19:30 Taiko Performance
21:00 Official party ends, lots of talking and drinking continues. Optional:
Go to the Jolly Roger Bar; Go to the Karaoke House.
July 6 Sunday morning 8:00 am Clean up

Directions (From Akita ) Southbound from Aomori
1. Go south on route 7.
2. When you enter Kisakata, you should see a sign for Nikaho High School above
you. Further down on your right, you will pass Kisakata Seaside Hotel, a huge
car rest area, a Daily Mart on your right (9) and a Lawson on your left(8).
3. Keep going south on route 7 and you will come to a 4-way intersection with
a sign reading Kisakata Station. Take a right at the signal, heading away from the station.
4. Go straight through the signal and you will eventually come to a T-intersection,
with the beach in front of you, and a karaoke house on the corner. From there just follow the signs indicating where to park. If you get lost contact Brett at 090-4638-0320.
Directions ( From Yamagata )
1. Go north on route 7.
2. When you enter Kisakata, you will still have a while to go until you get
to "downtown" Kisakata.
3. Keep going north on route 7 and you will come to a 4-way intersection with
a sign reading Kisakata Station. Take a left at the signal, heading away from the station.
4. From here please follow the direction from #4 above.
From the train station
1. Exit the station and just go straight until you come to the beach.
Option - Please call Brett (090-4638-0320) and someone will be happy to pick you up.
Registration and the games are at the old Kisakta Junior High School gym
and the BBQ is in the multi-purpose building next to City Hall.
Directions (From Akita) Southbound from Aomori
1. Go south on route 7
2. When you enter Kisakata, you will see a sign for Nikaho High School above
you. Further down on your right, you will pass Kisakata Seaside Hotel,
a huge car rest area, a Daily Mart on your right (9) and a Lawson on your
left (8).
3. Keep going south on route 7 and you will come to a 4-way intersection with
a sign reading Kisakata Station. Go through the intersection.
4. Take a left at the second light from the Kisakata Station intersection . There is a small street sign reading “City Hall Entrance”.
5. Game Participants: Go across the railroad tracks and turn left at the first street. The junior
high school will be on your right.
6. BBQ Participants Only: Go across the railroad tracks and go through the pedestrian stoplight.
You will see City Hall on your left. Please use the parking lot. If you get lost contact Brett at 090-4638-0320. The old Junior High School is adjacent to the town hall and the multi-purpose building.
Directions (From Yamagata )
1. Go north on route 7.
2. When you enter Kisakata you'll still have a while to go until you get to "downtown" Kisakata.
3. Take a right at the intersection with a small street sign reading “City Hall Entrance.” If you get to the intersection that takes you to the train station , then you have gone too far.
4. From here follow the directions from #5 above.
From the train station
1. When you exit Kisakata train station go left towards the gift shop and
you should see a narrow road paralleling the railroad tracks.
2. Take the narrow road and at the end take a left across the railroad tracks. (There's a bookstore on the corner).
3. Go straight on this road until you get to a 4-way intersection with MaxValue
on your left. Turn right. You will see the junior high school on your left.
4. Game Participants: Park in the old juniour high school parking lot. .
5. BBQ Participants Only: Pass the junior high school and turn left at the intersection. You will
see City Hall on your left. Please use the parking lot.
Option - Just call Brett (090-4638-0320) at the train station and someone will be happy to pick you up.